Frequently Asked Questions

What are the features of ShearFRAC®?

  • ShearFRAC® provides a real time fracture guidance platform and well reporting using FracBRAIN® and ResBRAIN®.
  • Fracture measurements are streamed live to the frac van giving your team visibility and the ability to make real-time adjustments in rate, proppant concentration or chemicals (e.g. HVFR) to maximize well output. 
  • FracBRAIN® captures fall-off data once the stage is completed and performs Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) to determine fracture surface area. 
  • Every FracBRAIN® project comes with our reservoir engineering deliverables; ResBRAIN® follow-up after 90 days of production to perform Decline Curve Analyssis (DCA) or Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) to show improvement in well productivity. 


What are the benefits of using ShearFRAC®?

  • ShearFRAC offers better control over your wells with live streaming offering real time adjustments and reactions. 
  • Helps your team optimize fluid rate and proppant concentration to maximize fracture surface area. 
  • Follow up 90 days post completion with data and reports proving that production was increased and the decline rate on a more efficiently fractured well is reduced. 
  • Reduces completion costs while increasing production in the near and long-term.


Why is it recommended to use ShearFRAC® on every well?

The formation changes frequently both along the well and away from the well. To make every stage the best it can be, you need a real-time measurement to optimize every barrel pumped and pound of proppant placed. We calculate fractures in real-time (within seconds, not post-stage) in the field as you frac your wells so that you can make impactful changes to rate, proppant concentration, and FR to frac more efficiently and effectively.

ShearFRAC® helps improve completion efficiency and well productivity.

Do you need additional equipment in order to calculate your measurements?

No, we stream data directly using ShearFRAC® transducers, or those of trusted contractors, using ShearFRAC® provided gauges or the standard pressure gauges already on location. The ShearFRAC® operations team takes extra care to remove data filters and ensure the pressure gauge is in the right location on the wellhead to capture the most relevant data. Our team spends three days in the field to ensure the measurements are correct, streaming, and training consultants on how to improve fracture surface area.

How quick are your real-time results?

It takes as little as 20 seconds for our measurements to be streamed back to the frac van – as well as your company employee devices, and our ShearFRAC® operations team, which allows ShearFRAC® to make recommendations and you to make real-time changes and observe the simultaneous effects of those changes.

Do you have employees in the field?

We send 2 employees out into the field at the beginning of the project to train your day and night crew. We provide 24-hour software support throughout the project, and assign an experienced completion engineer to interact with the field and office to help optimize shear fracturing.

What data inputs are required for FracBRAIN®?

  1. Live streamed pumping data – prior to project start, we will ensure field internet connectivity and a live data stream.
  2. Pressure – unfiltered and undampened; we remove filters prior to project start and locate the transducer beneath the master valve on the wellhead to capture the most relevant data.
  3. Slurry Rate
  4. Proppant concentration
  5. Other Chemicals


What reservoir engineering deliverables do you offer?

Our reservoir engineering team takes the fall-off data collected at the end of every stage and calculates a producing surface area (PSA) and productivity index (PI) per stage.  This information tells us how efficiently each stage is being completed and whether there is well-to-well interaction.

After 90 days of production, our reservoir engineering team performs either rate transient analysis (RTA) where data allows, or decline curve analysis (DCA) to determine full well productivity index (PI) and EUR.  FracBRAIN® helps optimize completions, ResBRAIN® describes how successful completion operations have been.

Do you change our completions design prior to frac start?

No, we start with your baseline design and modify in real-time based on the response from the rock measured by FracBRAIN®.

What kind of real-time adjustments would you make to get higher number of fractures during a stage?

Changes required in real-time vary in size and iteration. Often, stages start with a more aggressive proppant ramp so that we can work at higher proppant concentrations for longer. Once at rate, FracBRAIN® active guidance and operations support can recommend input adjustments, based on its continual analysis of the current and earlier stages. This will tune the stress for optimal frac network growth. Without real-time measurement, there is no way of knowing if your changes are helping or hurting the fracturing process.

Is there any rock quality or geomechanic inputs into your measurement?

We require no geomechanic or rock quality inputs in FracBRAIN®.  The physics of fracturing in unconventional reservoirs remains the same in every basin worldwide.  The inputs are pressure, rate, and proppant concentration, and the output is a description of how the rock is failing.  The more natural fractures and laminations a formation has, the more shear fracturing can be observed on FracBRAIN®.

Can you stream data from offset wells?

Yes, we suggest utilizing this feature to demonstrate and assess the improvements that using FracBRAIN, to make real-time changes, will help realize in both cost savings and production improvement. Request a live demo to discuss your well needs and costs.

Can you stream data from wells on the same pad but not make changes?

Yes, contact sales to scope out associated costs. This is an effective way to test out our data streaming capacity, user interface, and demonstrate the measurement.

Are you able to look back at previously fractured wells and tell us what we should have done differently?

Yes, we will look at your old data. We require unfiltered pressure data, which is rarely gathered in historical wells. Contact sales to scope out the possibility of seeing some of your old stages.

Is there any benefit to 50Hz or higher-pressure sampling to your technique?

No, pumps and machinery signals show pressure tends to be higher than 1HZ, whereas we have recognized that rock patterns occur at lower frequencies. Higher pressure sampling introduces more noise and is therefore of little benefit. We use the standard 4-20 mAmp pressure transducer found throughout the industry.